פירוט השיעורים בסביבה ללימוד השפה האנגלית הדבורה לכיתה י’
הסביבה ללימוד אנגלית דבורה של Speak2Go מכילה תרגול בדיבור של מילים ומשפטים, הבנת הנשמע, אימון לשיחה ושיפור ההגייה והמבטא.
לצד האימון בדיבור, השיעורים מכילים העשרת של אוצר המילים באמצעות Quizlet לדוברי עברית ולדוברי ערבית.
Level | Lesson name | Topics | Vocabulary | Grammar Rules | Language Development |
הכרות והפעלת סביבת Speak2Go | |||||
Foundation | Introduction to Speak2Go - Explanation Lesson 1 | General | ride, bike, school, play, friend, football, tennis, sister, sports | Present Simple | Demonstration Lesson |
Foundation | Intro to Quizlet with Speak2Go - Explanation 1 | General | ride, bike, school, play, friend, football, tennis, sister, sports | Present Simple | Demonstration Lesson |
Review Unit | רענון אוצר המילים על מספרים, הבית ובית הספר | ||||
Intermediate | 6.4 The White Cliffs (L2) | Travel | dig; offer; site; through; rest; clear; show; places; forest; famous; kilometer; frightening; yesterday | Present and Past (Simple & Progressive) | Modals and Semi Modals |
Intermediate | 7.5 Selfies (L2) | Technology | boring; creature; worth; wonderful; surprised; undo; eager; disagree; uncomfortable; opportunity | Future and review of all tenses | ‘un’ and ‘dis’ |
Intermediate | 8.4 Idioms are Fun (L2) | Communication | ocean; dead; during; island; express; expression; heavy; loud; huge; funny; lucky; frighten-frightening; strange; clever; crazy | Present Simple | Adverbs, Comparatives Superlatives |
Speak Now Part a | רענון אוצר המילים על מספרים, הבית ובית הספר | ||||
Proficient (C1) | Topic 1: Getting to Know You | About Me | chemistry, psychology, technology, reality show, series, comedy, excited about, play chess, piano, computer game, science, engineering, friendly, swimming pool, quiet, community center | Mixed Tenses | Introducing Yourself |
Proficient (C1) | Topic 2: Where Should I Go? | Travel | shortest, longest, route, tourist, resident, sea, bus, platform, beach, best way, often, between, next to, end of, point, turn left, turn right, across, street | Mixed Tenses | Asking for directions |
Proficient (C1) | Topic 3: At a Restaurant | Restaurant | menu, specials first course, main course, dessert, order, prefer, spicy, spaghetti, French fries, mashed potatoes, pizza, topping, tap water, lemonade, coffee, vegan, vegetarian, allergic, dairy products, gluten | Mixed Tenses | Ordering at a restaurant |
Proficient (C1) | Topic 4: Planning a Party | Fun | gift, cookies, crowded, party, money, present, secret, amplifier, music, surprise, collecting, decorations, in charge, dance, balloons, friend, invite, invitation, garden, parents, people, keep a secret | Mixed Tenses | Planning with friends |
Proficient (C1) | Topic 5: Back to School | School | banned, ruler, hairstyle, suit, caption, optional, reality, smartphone, vote for, vote against, generation gap, inappropriate, misunderstanding | Mixed Tenses | Thoughts on school |
Proficient (C1) | Topic 6: Travel destinations | Travel | capital, located, Paris, France, tower, Eiffel Tower, symbol, engineer, cultural, attraction, popular, well known, London, Britain, brochure, destination, cheap, expensive, double decker bus | Mixed Tenses | Choosing a destination |
Proficient (C1) | Topic 6: (L2) Travel Destinations | Travel | flight, hotel, hostel, reservation, ticket reservation, valid, passport, tourist, visa, expensive, inexpensive, bed and breakfast, public transport | Mixed Tenses | Booking a ticket |
Proficient (C1) | Topic 7: On the Phone | Communication | rights, rely on, review, revise, material, candidate, condition, interests, represent, suggestion, convenient, average score, a shame, not worth it, student council | Mixed Tenses | Explaining yourself |
Proficient (C1) | Topic 8: Generation Gap | Family | alone, fine, boring, prepare, argue, guess, in control, cigarettes, remind, respect, disagree, understand | Mixed Tenses | Parents and their teen children |
Proficient (C1) | Topic 8: (L2) A Generation Gap | Family | review, revise, respect, decision, arguing, identity, expression, memorise, concentrate, generation gap, The good old days! It's time for a change. Changes are good! Technology wins! Let's move forward! | Mixed Tenses | Relating across the age gap |
Proficient (C1) | Topic 9: It's all About Education | School | appreciate, in common, diamond, infer, motivated, precious, starving, households, poverty, provide, set foot in, tend to be, severe | Mixed Tenses | Benefits of education |
Proficient (C1) | Topic 9: (L2) It's All About Education | School | fearless, severe, rallies, wounded, reconstructive, surgery, pseudonym, stubborn, inspired, were inspired, inspired by, Pakistan | Mixed Tenses | Standing up for the right to an education |
Proficient (C1) | Topic 10: It Takes a Dog | Volunteering | detect, comfort, alert, guide dog, accompany, socialization, obedience, fortunately, disability, occasional, settle down, abnormal, as a consequence, draw attention to, persevere, attentive audience | Mixed Tenses | Helpful pets |
Speak Now Part B | |||||
Proficient (C1) | Topic 11: Advertising | Teens | guide, brand, product, fit in, peers, target, acceptable, body image, particular, convince, perceived, restrictions, to their advantage, vulnerability | Mixed Tenses | Teens and brand marketing |
Proficient (C1) | Topic 11: (L2) Advertising | Teens | preferences, determine, tracking, behavior, digital, vulnerable, marketers, interest, encourage, audience, interactions, reinforces | Mixed Tenses | Marketing to teenagers |
Proficient (C1) | Topic 12: Lending a Hand | Volunteering | volunteer, disabled, retirement home, handicapped, community center, contribution, solution, rewards, satisfying, positive, give back, help others, organizing | Mixed Tenses | Helping others |
Proficient (C1) | Topic 12: (L2) Lending a Hand | Volunteering | youth, mandatory, challenges, contribution, satisfaction, responsibilities, patients, counselor, visually, visually impaired, physically, physically disabled | Mixed Tenses | Volunteering in your community |
Proficient (C1) | Topic 13: Going Green at School | Environment | aluminium cans, environment, pollution, global warming, recycling, save energy, garbage, littering, plastic bottles, protect, renewable energy, penalty | Mixed Tenses | Projects to help the environment |
Proficient (C1) | Topic 13: (L2) Going Green at School | Environment | soil, kitchen, organic, edible, harvest, prioritize, life cycles, irrigation, vocation | Mixed Tenses | Environmental ideas, the organic yard |
Proficient (C1) | Topic 14: Can You Help Me? | Communication | clothes, customer, blouse, shirt, tie, evening dress, shawl, jacket, color, size, changing room, battery, compensation, refund, order number | Mixed Tenses | Going shopping |
Proficient (C1) | Topic 15: Homework | School | necessary, guidance, understanding, waste, traditionally, benefit, efficient, enrich, flipped classroom, deliver a lesson, figure out, upside down, apply knowledge | Mixed Tenses | Why we have homework |
Proficient (C1) | Topic 16: When Words Are Not Enough | Teens | Emoji, Oxford, icon, social media, capture, comfort, console, convey, in check, intense, process, signal, dictionary, obviously, version, emotional, laughing | Mixed Tenses | The vocabulary of teenagers |
Proficient (C1) | Topic 17: Amazing Teenagers | Teens | reward, retain, recipe, spices, venture, proud, aspiring, drought, gymnastics, refugee, struggle, distribute, encourage, resources, role model, average rainfall, influential, demonstrate | Mixed Tenses | Successful teenagers |
Proficient (C1) | Topic 17: (L2) Amazing Teenagers | Teens | ocean, significant, petition, awareness, distribute, organic material, realistic, initiatives, government, champions, campaign, commercial, multi layered, approach | Mixed Tenses | Teenagers who have a special talent |
Proficient (C1) | Topic 18: Bullying is Wrong | Relations | bullying, intend, race, religion, teasing, pleasure, pick on, confess, honest, intervene, promote, treatment, cyberbullying, empathy, legal definition, make threats, name calling, physical assault | Mixed Tenses | Why bullying is wrong |
Proficient (C1) | Topic 19: We Don't Agree | Communication | fair, hostility, row, interest, tension, communication, compromise, consolidation, loneliness, negotiation, residents, argument, confrontation, disagreement, conflict resolution | Mixed Tenses | Dealing with conflict |